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What is Andromeda?
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My First Fan- Fiction Story
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Note In Word 95 format and Zipped

Check out the "All Systems Universe Database" about the Andromeda Universe, it's also where some of the information for this site came from.

All Systems University

The Main Menu

"The long night has fallen, and the greatest civilization has crumbled. The universe falls into chaos. It is left to a man out of time, Captain Dylan Hunt of the warship Andromeda Ascendant, to take back the night and reform the Systems Commonwealth before all is lost"

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Please keep in mind that this site is stilling having things added and changed to it, in due time, so Please bookmark, Thanks.

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  News Place < Updated
Date: - 12/10/05

First award given out

Just a Small update, I have updated my Awards and added Brandiwyne Hanson, and given him a yellow award for his website, Please go to the awards section and pay his site a visit.


  News Place < Updated
Date: - 5/5/03

My First Fan- Fiction Story

I have finally finished my Fan - Fiction story for you all, you can download it [here] Please E-mail me with any views you may have bear in mind that it was my first fan fiction.

Please not it is in word 95 format, and zipped

Summery of story: -

Basic summary of the story: - The Secret of Trance's race finally comes into light when an explorer brings trances race straight to the door of the Andromeda…

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Any comments or news you would like to add please E-mail me, Click [here]
  News Place
Date: - 29/6/02

OK,I have finaly updated my awards page, someone gave me a great award, it is about the only update I have done so far, I am soooooo Buizzzzzyyyyyyy :)

I thought Star Trek was good, well the same person that thought of it is also the same person who's Ideas made this show possible.

Well, this site works in sections, and new parts will be easily fitted, any new additions to the site will be added to the news page for your information. You will notice two main links, Races and The cast. These will be in detail as far as I can go, and have the time, As space it restricted I will do my best to add as many images and information to the site as possible. In the mean time, have fun.

There are also awards and a guest book for you all to look at. The awards is basically, if you have an Andromeda site and would like a rating, then the awards are for the propose, also there is an Awards page will peoples sites and the awards they have. Look on the menu for the Links.

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Any comments or news you would like to add please E-mail me, Click [here]

  What is Andromeda?  

OK, Lets tackle this in two points. The years. It seems the first part of the show is split in a area of 300 years.

Before 300Yr Time Difference: -

The universe was United as one big civilization expanding over two or three Galaxies, Races where all living together in law and order, it was all called the Systems Commonwealth. Powerful star ships of beautiful design and deadly weaponry would ensure the order of things and provide support and reassurance to any race that require it they where called the High Guard.

The Commonwealth came about from the Vedran Empire. The Vedran went out into space and started conquering other races, they also made Slipstream technology which allowed ships to travel faster than light through webs of pipes in space. Then some type of upheaval or war started which led to a massive reform of the government. The Vedran Empire became the Systems Commonwealth. Instead of conquering other worlds the Commonwealth requited new members by negotiation (and, most likely, economic and diplomatic pressure).

After 300Yr Time Difference: -

The story basically focuses on one starship called Andromeda, An AI Controlled ship with a crew over 300 life forms. During this time things are about to go to...... Well to put it into other words, things are going to hell. A race of Genetically modified humans called Nietzscheans. (Say that 20 times fast.) Anyway this race will turn the three or six galaxies into chaos and a place where raiders and slave drivers can flourish all because the Nietzscheans turned against the Systems Commonwealth only so they can start there own Nietzschean Empire, instead everything fell apart. The Nietzscheans sustained heavy losses during the battle and then the clans in the Nietzscheans fought amongst each other. After this earth fall to the crewel slaughter of the Magog, so did all the other Commonwealth territories, who raped and killed many humans and aliens. The Magog got bored and moved on, Basically. As for things on earth, well, earth is like something out of those mad type kill everything first person shooter games for the PC, or Doom. Earth basically got the brunt of many races angernes of the fall of the Commonwealth, invaded by Magog then the Perseids (and perhaps a few other races) bombarded Earth leaving it as a devastated planet, with radioactive dust in the atmosphere from repeated bombardments, and most of it's cities lie in ruins. After that, the Drago-Kazov Pride moved back in, and Earth has been one of their 800+ slave planets ever since (They need one crazy man out there with a very powerful ship to fix and free earth! call it one bugass Teriformer ship or something, it's about the only thing that can do the job.)

Current info on things: -

You may ask why the 300 year time difference? Well, during the light days, the Andromeda starship was responding to a distress signal but they found out that the hole thing was a trap, Why? I don't know, but the captain, Dylan Hunt told his crew to abandon ship and he then steered his ship into a black hole,(Mad). Like it was some fate or something. Anyway the ship just stayed in the event horizon of the black hole, but this made time stop. I don't mean for a few years I mean 300 years.

Then a small salvage vessel called the Eureka Maru goes in and tows the ship out. But why did they do this nice deed. Well they where contracted to get the ship, then it was to be sold on. The buyer only wanted the Nova Bombs on board. In the mist of taken over the Andromeda the captain then started his campaign to rid the ship of these intruders. But things start to get messy as time goes on. You see the crew of the Eureka Maru are themselves endanger from the contractors and some mercenaries sent in to get rid of Dylan Hunt. Anyway they get rid of the contractors and Dylan Hunt requites four crewmembers from the salvage vessel and an Nietzschean that agreed to help them. They are known as Dylan Hunt, Tyr Anasazi, Beka Valentine, Trance Gemini, Rev Bem, Seamus Harper and Rommie, the Ships AI In body form. Or Android. All on one quest, to restore the Systems Commonwealth (Good Luck)

Site made by Shane Ward.