Babylon 5 Cast
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  Ambassador Delenn

This girl will take some explaining,

Well, lets start at the begging.

When earth attacked one of the Minbari cruisers by accident it was she that ordered the destruction of every human, After the death of the Minbari leader.

But she did not expect the result of what the warier cast will do and she regrets what she had done. Any way they find out that the humans have a Minbari sole and Delenn. But there was one problem, the human they captured knows this, so the send for a telepathic to remove the memory from his mind and Delenn is sent to keep an eye on him to make sure he does not remember and also to find out how the humans will help in the coming war.

But then the human they capture becomes the commander of Babylon 5 I think they got it easy.

During this time Delenn is also the ambassador for Minbari and she is stationed on Babylon 5. Form then I don't have much information.

But at the start of the second season, Delenn goes into a change which merges her half human and half Minbari Cross breading you may say, but it is different.

Well as she emerges from her cocoon (This is where she changed.) Lets just say she did not like what she had become. When she first came out of the cocoon, her had and face and I think the rest of her body was covered in dried mud or something, which Delenn thought she was a monster.

Well I got the feeling she wanted to kill her self, because she got the doctor to her room to do such a thing. But the doctor finds out that the stuff over her body was a layer of dead skin or something that can be easily removed, or it fell off.

From then she enters the Council room, (This is where the commander and ambassadors of other races where for something) in a white robe and revels her self, lets say that everybody was pleasantly surprised at what she had become.

As the series progresses she develops a relationship with the commander of the station, and then this leads to Marriage and then children.

Even though she is part human I don't think she has grasp the human humor side and also the way they think, well I suppose all Minbari are all like that, but she has got a personality, Thank god.

I am still gathering information on this person. Please come back soon, to see what I have got.

Ambassador Delenn (Mira Furlan)