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Please view this main page to understand everything about this site.

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The Main Menu

Welcome all Lexx fans to the Main Menu page.
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News about the Lexx and other things
>>>>>>You are welcome to go into three of the available areas, Lexx the DarkZone, Fire and Water and Little Blue Planet. Look at the bottom of the page or on the menu!<<<<<<<

News Below

The BIG Lexx Cast (New)

Please note the writing in small telling you if you will be able to view the pages using your current Internet program. There are two areas of this site, the old site and the new one Fire and Water. The contain new things to do and also information about the show. Click on the one you want. Also some parts of this site may not work properly, things looking out of place and strange. I am doing everything I can to fix this problem. However if you use IE5 you should find no problems.


Lexx in Little Blue Planet

[Click Here] New
Any Program should View this


Lexx in the Light Zone Battles

[Click Here]
Note Made for IE5


Planets Fire and Water

[Click Here]
Any Program should View this

790 Place
Finding things that 790 says is getting hard, If you have any thing that 790 says which could be place here Please E-mail me

790 - 796: I'm now the proud owner of the biggest missile of them all stuffed with explosives and ready to explode with love, and it has Kai stamped on the side.
Stan: Oh isn't that romantic?
790 - 796: I want to please you so badly!
Kai: The dead cannot be pleased!
790 - 796: ammm, that's OK, love crazed robot head, ci-coticly obsessed with there stiffs are easily pleased. Now bend over!
Kai: Why?
790 - 796: Just bend over, and you will son find out.

  News Place < Updated
Date: - 3/2/03

OK, so it's been a while since I have done anything to this site, hey I am currently working on a battlezone 2 project and it is taking all my time, so when it is finaly done I will do some updates and finish sections of my site, Also if you have a site, just E-mail me for a award, PLEASE :)

OK, thats it for now, the Sci-Fi Channel are still showning the lexx everyday from lat in the morning and I get my videow to record it :) But it misses from time to time.... Ha well, hope you enjoy my stay and don't forget to sign my suestbook..... Bye for now..


OK, from news all over the net it looks like the Lexx has come to a stop. That means there will be no more Series being made, this news I got could be wrong however, so if you have solid information about this then Please E-mail me. I wish to know.

And if the show has stopped, what a damn pity, I Really like the show, that Big bug and Zev, boy she looks Hot. Well all good things must come to an end I guess. Lets see.

Little Blue Planet (Earth) Made and ready
Yes I am pleased to inform you that that part of the site is now ready, Still some parts are being updated but I haven't seen the show yet to keep coming back to have a look.

This part of the Lexx gives some information on the Next planet they visit and the problems they encounter as well at the TV programs that have come. You can View this in the TV Guide section.

Also new enemies have there own page telling you a little about them and what they do. As before information on the Crew are also updated to.

[Click Here]to go to Little blue planet or Click on the Menu above

Programs Page [Click Here] or Look on the Menu
....................[Sign Guest Book]....................................................[Read Guest Book]..................

Well have some information for all you Lexx fans that have web sites, here you can apply for my Lexx award, this grads your site to the front of the list and also gets mention on this main page, if your site has what it takes then apply for it. All you have to do is click on the Win My Awards link on the menu, follow the instructions and you are one step closer to being added to the front of the links page and also added in this area. All good Lexx sites should have Awards on them. It is also easy to apply.

Just say what award you want and your sites name and URL. That is it.

Mainly what I do, If you are accepted, is I send you one of the images found in the Win My Awards section which you can add to your site. Please let me know, on the E-mail which image you want and the link and notification will be E-mail to you.

Most cases you add it to your links page. Also if you are thinking of doing awards on your site and you want me to apply or your wish to send me one then Please E-mail Me

Thank you.

......................[Sign Guest Book]....................................................[Read Guest Book]......................

Any comments or news you would like to add please E-mail me, Click [here]


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